Monday, August 13, 2012

On Filipino Commentaries

I started a blog to compile my commentaries on the Philippine Daily Inquirer's opinion page section. Needless to say, I also read the opinion pages of other newspapers like the Philippine Star, Daily Tribune, Manila Bulletin, Malaya, Manila Standard Today, Business World, SunStar, and other online newspapers. However, I only write comments in the PDI using my Disqus account. Lately, I wrote comments in the local newspaper SunStar Cebu.

I decided to separate my commentaries on the variety of topics, mostly political, education, and church-related issues, found in different  online newspapers, particularly their editorial and opinion section. I think it is more organized and easier to follow up  than mixing them with my collection of articles written by my favorite writers and my own articles.

For those who may find my commentaries worth reading, give me a feedback and I am willing to share my thoughts with you on our shared interest. Kudos!

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