How can the poor evangelize
the Church? The most radical and effective way for the poor to evangelize the
Church is through the misery and poverty of their lives. Their life-situation,
as a glaring reality of sin, of dehumanization and injustice, of anti-life, of
anti-Kingdom, invites the Church to witness the Gospel. The Church cannot be
indifferent in the face of this dehumanizing misery and poverty. The Church
must do something to help the poor to liberate themselves from this
dehumanizing condition.
If its law hinders the
Church to be of service to the poor, the Church must give primacy to the
well-being of the poor. The interpretation and application of the moral law
which does not alleviate the misery of the poor is not good news of the poor.
Jesus said: "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the
Sabbath." An authentic law liberates the human persons from all forms of
oppression and exploitation.
In her article, “Do mothers
matter?,” Ms Rina David described the miserable situations of mothers today.
Among others, she said that about 11-12 mothers died every day due to poor
reproductive health services; these are pregnancy- and childbirth-related
causes of maternal death. This reality of the maternal death is itself the
message of the poor that the reality of sin and anti-life is present. The
Church cannot be indifferent and morally obliged to do something to prevent and
destroy it. The RH Bill provides a legislated solution to the problem, thereby
making safe and affordable reproductive health services and responsible
parenthood formation programs accessible to the poorest of the poor. In
conscience, the Church must endorse RH Bill at all cost.
Pope John Paul II said to
the shanty dwellers in Brazil, "Do not say that it is God's will that you
remain in a condition of poverty, disease, unhealthy housing, that is contrary
in many ways to your dignity as human persons. Do not say 'It is God who wills
Today, more than ever, the
prophetic voice of Pope John II is not simply addressed to the poor women and
children who are deprived of access to cheaper reproductive health care, but to
the Catholic Church in the Philippines to revisit its doctrine and practices
from the perspective of the suffering poor women and children. For the Church
to be truly a Church of the Poor, it must support the RH Bill and help in
making it truly responsive to the needs of the poor and the oppressed. If
certain contraceptives are proven as abortifacients, then by all means take
them out of the market.
[Note: This article was a response in the - Disqus thread. jsalvador]
[Note: This article was a response in the - Disqus thread. jsalvador]
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